Helpful Information for Brokers
Log in to the Travelers Canada Broker Portals to find the tools and resources you need to guide your customers to the right solutions for their needs.
Broker Portals
For applicable commercial policies log in to review policy information, coverages, billing, access policy documents and view claims information. Commercial wordings, training material and more.
Our new commercial surety portal, which provides Travelers Canada brokers access to bond forms and allows them to manage bonds throughout their life cycle.
Travelers Canada Broker Portal
Keep policies up to date with the ability to process policy changes, make credit card payments and update banking information for applicable policies. Obtain policyholder documents such as declaration pages or billing notices (where available). Access helpful information and resources such as rate manuals, bulletins, e-contracting guidelines, training schedules and reference materials.
Travelers Canada Policy System
Log in to access personal insurance policies for applicable provinces. Update applicable personal insurance policies and make credit card payments. Brokers can also quote, enter new business, and view billing information in real time.
For more information, please contact your Travelers Canada representative or email New_Travelers_Access.
Risk Control Portal
Travelers Canada commercial insurance customers and brokers have access to a toolbox full of risk control services at their fingertips. Log in to access risk control tools and resources:
- If you are a broker and you are already registered, log in here.
- If you are a broker and you haven’t registered yet, e-mail Travelers Canada Risk Control.
Digital Tools for Brokers
Sign In to toolkitPlus
Looking for another way to interact with customers using social media and email marketing? Try toolkitPlus! Sign in or get started today to access the platform.

Appetite Tool on Ask Kodiak
We've partnered with Ask Kodiak to help brokers find small commercial coverage for their clients in only a few clicks. Sign up for this digital appetite tool to see which insurance carriers offer the right coverage for your customers.